Sunday, July 15, 2012

Je vous ouvrir le crane, ma chère amie.

Mansfield TYA - "sur le plafond" from charlie mars on Vimeo

Il n'y a pas d'étoiles // Sur Le Plafond // Si je m'allonge au sol // Je me noie, dans le son
Les yeux de ma promise // Sont des cimetières // Des cadavres en chemise // Courent dans ses artères
Les yeux de ma promise // Des cadavres en chemise

Il n'y a pas d'étoiles // Sur Le Plafond // Si je m'allonge au sol // Je me noie, dans le son
Votre tête est un tombeau // Une cage à soucis // Puis-je vous ouvrir le crane ma chère amie
Votre tête est un tombeau // Puis-je vous ouvrir le crane

Il n'y a pas d'étoiles // Sur Le Plafond // Si je m'allonge au sol // Je me noie, dans le son
Je vis dans un couloir // Qui n'a pas de tête // Les murs sont des armoires en allumettes
Je vis dans un couloir // Les murs sont des armoires

Il n'y a pas d'étoiles // Sur Le Plafond // Si je m'allonge au sol // Je me noie, dans le son
Il n'y a pas d'étoiles // Sur Le Plafond // Si je m'allonge au sol // Je me voie, que des cons

Friday, July 13, 2012


Look at all these fabulous women.
Then rethink (as if you ever really thought about it, did you?) shaving your pits. I mean: Have you even once seen your underarm hair grown out, as god gave it to you? Or are you one of those who started shaving when the first hair appeared at the teen age?

Every girl (and boy) should be free to wear her/his hair as s/he wants it - boldly bushy, sleekly trimmed, shaved and polished. Everyone should deliberately and unaffectedly decide how s/he likes it best. 

Isn't it weird that this free choice has a touch of rebellion to it when you only think it?

If you need to intellectually meditate on this issue, try the following articles:

The first, about a 10 week body hair rebellion experiment, may make you want to try hairy pits even less. It documents and reflects the hostile feedback you may get as well as the norms you quarrel with. From personal experience I can confirm the survey results. But I can also happily report that at some point it magically stops and just a little later, someone who was very sceptical will come up to you and - in the best case - will tell you that he actually really loves your underarm rebellion (ehm, and he might want to lick it too, haha).

The second article is more general, about Stigma and Women's Bodies, such as body fluids, aging etc.

If you need more visual inspiration try the hairy pits club or the swedish movement Ta Håret Tillbaka!

or check out the famous underarm hair of Frida Kahlo, Elizabeth Jagger and Joan as a Policewoman:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chemistry worldview.

I have to learn a huge load of chemistry these days, which includes learning about the structure and reactions of salt. The daily table-salt 'NaCl' is one that appears rather often in my life, as it also does in the books. I know by now, how the atoms/ions connect to each other, that they form a specific, regular cristall-structure and how they dissolve in a polar solvent like water. I like learning this stuff. Signe Emma's images even give it an aesthetic value, a beautiful touch. 
Thank you for that.
(you should really check her site, as the story to these images gives them another dimension more. and she has other funky stuff to offer too!)